Residential care plays an important role in helping troubled teens overcome their challenges and set them on a path toward success. However, there can be a lack of services and support once students graduate from therapeutic boarding school. Losing the structured path that has helped them develop emotional management and interpersonal skills can be particularly difficult at a critical time when a young adult is working to transition into independence and adulthood.

Providing a Continuum of Phases

When young adults age out of therapeutic boarding schools, they are suddenly cut off from programs that enabled them to progress in their treatment. When residential care is unavailable post-graduation, those 17.5 and up lose their momentum. Where support once helped them along their path, they now face the daunting prospect of major life changes such as finding work, renting an apartment or enrolling in college.

An effective young adult independence transition continues to provide the same supports as residential care with a familiar structure that gradually introduces more freedom. As the young adult progresses, they can choose to discontinue aspects of treatment at their own pace, allowing them to build resilience.

Increasing Freedoms

Residential care for young adults allows students to slowly transition into increasingly higher levels of freedom and responsibility, with ongoing advice and clinical support. Students live at facilities offering transitional care programs where they gradually learn to live and operate with less structure and more independence.

The environment also focuses on responsibility with skilled Life Coaches and therapists specialized in young adults providing guidance that encourages complete independence.

Off-Campus Independent Living

Once a student achieves their goals, they continue to receive services through off-campus independent living before they leave the program. In the final phase, students work on their clinical weaknesses in a safe environment and choose the services they need.

Access to Care

These care programs continue to meet the needs of students by offering clinical, relationship-based treatments. Students feel safe because they are in a familiar environment. They have as much or as little support, guidance, and socialization as they need to increase the odds of positive outcomes. Setting goals such as entering the workforce, enjoying a career in a field of their choice and living independently also work as motivators that offer hope.

Eliminating Uncertainty

Young adults who leave residential care as young as 17.5 years face uncertainties that can sabotage their success. When they can access young adult transitional care, the uncertainties are removed. As a result, they aren’t left struggling to find appropriate and effective services and care centers when they face obstacles that might hold them back. They continue to access the right services and assessments to ensure they get the care they need to help them achieve their personal goals.

Activities and Fitness

Students also maintain connections with peers and can participate in activities and fitness programs to remain strong in mind and body. For example, at Telos U students have access to amenities and social systems including:

  • Space Simulator
  • Art Club
  • Maker Space
  • Fitness Center
  • Full-size Gym
  • Wrestling Mats

As a result, they are in safe surroundings where they can enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities. These activities keep them engaged and improve their social skills by interacting with others. They also gain more confidence and resilience by facing failures and wins so they can be more effective at dealing with challenges. They have access to on campus workshops as well as off campus adventures that contribute to building well-rounded adults who have enjoyed a wide range of experiences.

Sense of Community

Young adult transitional care also provides a sense of community so students aging out of their programs don’t feel alone and deserted by the system. Instead, they understand they are loved and appreciated and can become better at envisioning themselves succeeding. Through daily activity options, they can engage in things they enjoy with like-minded students who share their interests, but who have also experienced similar struggles.

Milestones are celebrated and progress is rewarded through increasing freedom. Students watch their independence become a reality surrounded by people who care about them and are invested in their success.

Residential care for young adults continues phased support that allows students aging out of programs to reach milestones focused on independent living. They continue to live in a safe, less structured environment where they still have security knowing the services they have relied on are there when they need them. They progress towards careers or post-secondary education in the field of their choice with newfound resilience and strength.

Learn more about residential care programs for young adults here.