Learning Life Skills at Telos U

A day-to-day life coach is someone we all probably need some days.  Life Skills are taught individually and in groups.  Check out the topics taught by these coaches.


Ages: 18+
Students: Co-ed
School: College, Tech College
Supervision: Medium – Low
Support: Medium – Low

Life Skills Department Focuses on 6 KEY Goals:

  • Executive Function

  • Independent Living

  • Education

  • Employment

  • Money Management

  • Productivity/Schedule

The goal is for every student at Telos U to experience employment of some kind while enrolled in the program. We support our students by helping them immerse themselves in the community through service or finding a job. Our therapists, advocates, advisors, and life coaches assist students in overcoming emotional and behavioral obstacles that may have hampered their ability to find or sustain service or employment in the past.


In addition to a personal therapist and academic advisor, every student at Telos U receives a Life Coach who is dedicated to his/her success. These caring staff are the “boots on the ground” that help students get to appointments, cook meals, and learn other practical independent living skills “in the field.” The Life Coach helps our students create daily purposeful action.


Life Skills Classes are found in our Standard Schedule that help obtain skills and learning around independence and self awareness.

There is an 8 week rotation of these classes:

    1. Social Skills

    2. Self Awareness

    3. Emotional Health

    4. Communication

    5. Health and Wellness

    6. Goal Setting

    7. Job Skills

    8. Personal Finance

    9. Healthy Dating

    10.  habits of highly effective People

    11. Intuitive Eating

The team at Telos has witnessed the power of physical fitness training transforming the lives of young people for nearly two decades. Telos students have access to a full indoor sports gym, a wrestling room, and a host of other fitness and recreational resources. Our staff connect students to fitness opportunities that fit their interest and skill level. Neurofitness coaches work with students for 6-weeks to develop and learn healthy exercising routines that are sustainable even after Telos. Neurofitness encompasses a wholistic approach to fitness that works to build a healthy heart rate along with mental and emotional strengthening.


There is an exciting world beyond the digital existence many of us find ourselves trapped in. Utah is filled with mysterious slot canyons, beautiful mountains, and exciting activities that appeal to all interests. The Telos U recreation program, organizes and executes adventures for the students. The ultimate goal is to awaken the students to the community resources around them, helping them refine their ability to use leisure time productively.

Recreation Therapy is a resource that develops skill building. Taking students out of their comfort zone and offering them new and exciting ways to expand not only their personal interests but help develop skills that are sustainable.

Family Days Center St Campus

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