For young adults aged 18-26 with autism, substance use disorders, or other behavioral and mental health issues, the path to autonomous living isn’t always straightforward. Due to special needs and limitations, a supportive environment may be necessary to help a young adult transition to greater independence.

This is where transitional care comes into play, offering a crucial stepping stone between full dependence and complete independence.

Understanding Transitional Care

Transitional care provides a supervised living environment designed to help young adults with special needs develop the skills necessary for independent living. These programs cater to individuals who may not be ready for full autonomy but are capable of learning and growing with the right support.

In a transitional care setting, young adults typically live in a shared residence or apartment complex under the supervision of trained staff. The environment is structured to promote skill-building, personal growth, and gradual independence. Residents are encouraged to take on increasing responsibilities while still having access to support when needed.

Key Components of Transitional Care Programs

Life Skills Training

Programs often focus on teaching practical skills such as budgeting, meal planning, housekeeping, and time management.

Therapeutic Support

Continued access to mental health professionals, counselors, and support groups to address ongoing needs.

Vocational Training

Transitional programs help develop job readiness skills, resume building, and connections to employment opportunities.

Social Skills Development

Structured activities and community involvement help residents improve their interpersonal skills in a social setting.

Health and Wellness Education

Transitional programs help residents learn how to maintain their physical health, manage medications, and address personal health conditions.

Benefits of Transitional Care for Young Adults

Transitional care allows young adults to practice independence in a safe, supported environment. Residents learn crucial life skills that prepare them for eventual independent living. They can make mistakes and learn from their mistakes without facing severe consequences.

In transitional care, residents live with roommates and other residents who also face similar challenges. This shared experience provides invaluable social connections and helps to reduce feelings of isolation.

Transitional care provides a middle ground between full dependence and complete independence, making the eventual transition to autonomous living less abrupt. As young adults master new skills and take on more responsibilities, their confidence and self-worth typically improve. This confidence and new set of skills enables them to take the next step in their life.

Activities and Involvement

At Telos U, a leading transitional care program, students have access to social activities and programs such as:

  • Space Simulator
  • Art Club
  • Maker Space
  • Fitness Center
  • Full-size Gym

Activities at Telos U keep residents engaged and improve their social skills through interactions with others. Residents also have access to on-campus workshops and off-campus adventures that contribute to building well-rounded adults.

When is Transitional Care Appropriate?

Transitional care may be suitable for your young adult if:

  • They express a desire for more independence but struggle with the skills needed to live on their own.
  • They have aged out of a residential treatment program or reached an age where living at home is no longer the best option for their growth.
  • They’re managing their condition (whether it’s autism, substance use recovery, or mental health issues) but still need some level of support.
  • They’re motivated to learn and grow but need a structured environment to do so safely.
  • The family is struggling to support your young adult at home at the level they require.
  • Traditional college or independent living arrangements have proven unsuccessful in the past or seem unrealistic at this time.

Choosing a Transitional Care Program

As a parent, watching your child take steps towards independence can be both exciting and anxiety-inducing. It’s important to remember that the path to adulthood for young adults with special needs may not follow a typical timeline, and that’s okay. Transitional care offers a structured, supportive path to help navigate this crucial life phase.

While in transitional care, your young adult may experience both triumphs and setbacks. Celebrate the small victories and remain patient during setbacks. With the right support and environment, many young adults with special needs can achieve levels of independence that may have once seemed out of reach.

Telos U – Transitional Care Support for Young Adults

Telos U is a leading transitional care program for young adults. Residents engage in a wide variety of activities that develop educational, social, and life skills for young adults aged 18-26.

Telos U is more than just a temporary housing solution; it’s a bridge to a more independent, fulfilling adulthood. At Telos U, your young adult will receive the right support and resources to enable them to grow, learn, and thrive on their unique journey to independence.

For more information about the Telos U transitional care program, contact Telos today.