When your teen begins their transition into adulthood, establishing their independence can put a strain on your relationship as well as family dynamics. Although some level of rebellious behavior is expected, when your teen seems to be struggling or their behavior is out of control it can be difficult to know where to turn.

Here we address the signs your child might need a therapeutic boarding school and explain the role therapeutic boarding schools play in helping them find the path to regaining control.

What are Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

Therapeutic boarding schools offer treatment programs that combine education and personalized clinical services for teens with emotional, behavioral, and psychiatric disorders. The student lives at the school, easing them back into the school setting while receiving ongoing treatment and support. Benefits include:

  • A staff of psychiatrists, nurses, therapists, and teachers
  • Small classes and student enrollments with low student-to-teacher ratios
  • A combination of group/individual/family/experiential therapy hours per week based on the students’ needs and treatment progression
  • Graduation to the student’s home, traditional school, or lower-level treatment placements
  • Direct emotional or physical behavior oversights
  • Interventions as required

Why Do Parents Send Their Teens to Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

When parents find they can no longer manage their teen’s behavior or help them overcome their struggles, whether it is drugs and alcohol use, risky behavior, or mental illness, they require resources that keep their child safe and find the most direct route to recovery or behavior management.

Unfortunately, it is common for parents to find local supports fail their child because they often overlook underlying issues. Also, teens might evade treatment or fall back into bad behavior due to their environment and constant contact with peers. Therapeutic boarding schools provide a safe place for teens to receive an education while receiving treatment in a caring, structured environment.

Signs You Should Consider a Therapeutic Boarding School

The following scenarios indicate it’s time to consider a therapeutic boarding school:

You Feel Your Resources are Exhausted

If you feel you’ve tried everything to help keep your family and teen safe, this is usually a sign it’s time to explore live-away options for your child. Whether your teen has refused to attend or participate in therapy, they are experiencing issues at school, or you’ve tried outpatient and short-term hospital treatment, and it has failed, a place in a therapeutic boarding school will provide the care and education they need.

Unwillingness to Accept Responsibility for Their Actions

As your teen struggles with their emotions, they might develop an inability to accept responsibility for their actions. This can lead to ongoing conflict at home as they blame you and those around them for their behavior. Without a willingness to face their mistakes, they can’t learn from the consequences and change their life to avoid similar situations. This can lead to increasingly less desirable or dangerous behavior that requires 24/7 structure and supervision.

Your Teen Suffers from the Effects of Technology

Technology puts teens in 24/7 contact with peers and distressing information that can lead to several emotional issues. If you notice the following symptoms they could be suffering from the effects of technology:

  • Depression/anxiety
  • Withdrawal
  • Explosive behavior when devices are removed
  • Quick anger escalating to rage
  • Poor sleep
  • Changes to eating habits
  • Skipping classes
  • Declining academic performance
  • Secretiveness

A break from technology can help them overcome the symptoms and behaviors that you find worrisome.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse in adolescents puts them at higher risk for mental health problems leading to issues such as:

  • Depression
  • Conduct problems
  • Personality disorders
  • Suicide ideation/suicide
  • Violent behavior
  • Sexual promiscuity or abuse

In the therapeutic boarding school setting, teens have an individualized length of stay to help them commit to sobriety. As a result, they can avoid the danger of sabotaging their own treatment by relapsing into old habits.

Their Behavior Negatively Impacts Family Dynamics

When your teen displays the following behaviors, it takes its toll on the entire family:

  • Isolation from the family
  • Threatening the safety of family members
  • Secretiveness
  • Being non-communicative
  • Constantly running away or threatening to do so
  • Staying out all night
  • Verbally abusive behavior that is hurtful and threatening

This behavior requires professional interventions to help your child cope with their emotions. Removing your child from the home can help keep everyone safe and maintain a healthier family dynamic.

Concern for Your Teen’s Safety

When your teen’s behavior is putting their health, safety, and wellness at risk, you want to keep them safe. A therapeutic boarding school provides a safe environment where they will have a chance to overcome their suicidal thoughts and put an end to risky behaviors.

Worsening Academic Performance

Changes in academic performance such as dropping grades, trouble with school authority, skipping class or always being late all indicate possible mental health and behavioral issues. Therapeutic boarding schools cater to bright students struggling in traditional academic settings.

Therapeutic boarding schools offer an exceptional education in hand with proven clinical therapies to help troubled teens heal and experience lasting change.

Telos Academy offers hope to parents and their teens, providing the skills, coping mechanisms and support needed to lead a productive life. Request more info here.