Telos Academy

The Telos Academy Difference

The greatest strength of Telos is maintaining a culture of excellence. It is all about the kids we serve. We believe excellence should drive our clinical work, relationships, teamwork, activities and help kids succeed. When combined with the “arm around the shoulder” atmosphere this creates a powerful healing environment. Our goal is delivering long-term successes. If it is not sustainable then it is not worth doing.

Telos Academy caters to bright students who became lost in traditional academic settings. Some students arrive with learning differences, others with emotional challenges that impede their progress. Telos Academy is home to, T3 Endurance Sports and Telos High. We have decades of experience refining our programs to help kids find hope and healing.


Ages: 14-17
Gender: Male
School: High School
Supervision: High-Medium
Support: High-Medium

Telos is proud of our therapists, our campuses and our staff who work together to create an excellent experience for your son. Telos Academy (one of two campuses) thrives on positive interactions. This campus is for teen boys under 18 years of age. These teens are often dealing with depression, anxiety, social problems, executive function needs and learning difference. Our amazing staff use proven clinical therapies coupled with the power of healing relationships to promote deep, lasting change. Our aim is to help students live principle-based lives characterized by insightful choices. Telos is a place where students find clarity, healing, and direction.

“I have been to 4 treatment centers. Wilderness, then Telos and a third (I left early from) and a fourth (I graduated from). By far, Telos is the program that has gone above and beyond. Not only has Telos stuck by me when I refused to progress, Telos completely turned my life around. -Former Student”

When your child leaves Telos all of the world’s problems won’t be solved, but you will have a tremendous and rich experience to look back on where you have learned powerful tools and practices that will shape your lives for years to come.

A loving and engaged culture at Telos includes the “arm around the shoulder” attitude toward growth and healing. Telos Academy is a clinically-sophisticated, relationship-based treatment center for teen boys. Youthfulness brings energy and enthusiasm, which includes noise, laughter and sometimes even tears. For over two decades Telos has walked side-by-side with these teen boys and have seen over 1,000 families complete the process with incredible outcomes and life-changing opportunities. When boys enroll with us they become part of a larger Telos family (as do the parents). This new family is focused on the personal outcomes of both the student and the family. There is nothing more important to us than that success.
Class sizes are kept small (6-9 students). This enables our teachers to attend to students individually. Most classes also include a teacher’s aids. In these classes students enjoy a staff to student ratio of 1:4. Our teachers (along with all Telos staff) are trained to understand NLD, information processing disorders, and executive functioning challenges. Students who have struggled in traditional settings are seen through new eyes as individuals with wonderful potential.

There are several therapeutic reasons why Telos does activities and sports:

  • HEALTHY SOCIAL OUTLETS – Friendships, weight loss, circulation, personal growth.
  • RESILIENCE AND GRIT – Creating patterns of a healthy lifestyle takes repetition. Doing hard things takes courage. Succeeding is a gift.
  • NEUROLOGIC BENEFITS – Improved processing, less meds, better memory, lower stress.
Telos has 3 teams of 8-10 students. Each team has 3 staff (mentors) in addition to our teachers, therapists, medical personnel, and other support staff. This small team size and true 1:4 staff ratio prevents students from “flying under the radar.”

In addition to small teams and high staff ratios, each student selects one mentor that serves as a personal Principles Coach throughout his stay.  This staff works very closely with the student and his therapist, and may occasionally participate in individual therapy sessions. The Principles Coach is there to assist the boy with specific needs and serves as a source of support and encouragement.

Telos staff take great care of your child and are key to the success of our program. We believe in being transparent and kind, trusting and patient, friendly and watchful. All of this adds up to loving and kind interactions with our students and is how inspiring relationships begin creating a willingness to change. The staff willingly take copious training to stay certified and clinically sound. This culture of excellence is what separates Telos staff from other programs. We don’t give up on your child. As long as they work to improve, we work to help them get there.

“Our staff love what they do and it shows in the care and trust your children show in them.”

All teachers are licensed and credentialed in their content areas. This means our teachers have a depth of knowledge that surpasses the “generalist” teachers who teach all subjects. Students are assisted in researching appropriate colleges. They are mentored through the application process from start to finish. Parents can enjoy daily monitoring of their students. By using our Powerschool online tracking system, teachers and parents stay in close contact. Telos Academy offers a 12-week SAT/ACT preparation course taught by licensed, credentialed teachers.


Some students at Telos have struggled with organization. They do their work, but lose the assignments. They have the assignment, but forget to turn it in. Our teachers receive advanced training in how to help students learn and use executive function skills. These important skills are built into the academic curriculum in each classroom. Additionally, Telos therapists add executive function skills training into the treatment process for students who need it.

Is Telos Right for You?

Telos has helped hundreds of families but may not be right for your family.
You have options…we can help!