When faced with the difficult decision of sending your child to a therapeutic boarding school, location is often a consideration for parents. Utah, known for its stunning landscapes and serene environment, has become a hub for therapeutic boarding schools that cater to troubled teens. 

But with the state being a considerable distance away, parents may wonder if sending their child so far from home is the right choice. Let’s explore why Utah has gained such a strong reputation in the field of therapeutic boarding schools and address the concerns parents might have about the distance. 

Why Does Utah Have a Strong Reputation for Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

Utah’s reputation as a center for therapeutic boarding schools is well-deserved, with the state home to several schools that specialize in helping teens with behavioral, emotional, and mental health challenges. Utah therapeutic boarding schools have several advantages, such as:

  1. Experienced and Qualified Professionals: Utah’s therapeutic boarding schools are staffed by highly qualified professionals, including licensed therapists, counselors, and educators who specialize in adolescent care. Due to high quality of life, abundant outdoor activities and a family-friendly environment, the state has attracted some of the best talent in the field, making it a leader in therapeutic education.
  2. Variety of Programs: Utah offers a diverse range of programs tailored to meet the specific needs of different teens. Whether your child is struggling with substance abuse, depression, anxiety, or behavioral issues, there is a program in Utah designed to help them. Campuses like Telos, in Orem, Utah, have facilities to handle students with any of these situations.
  3. Ideal Environment: Utah’s natural beauty and tranquil setting provide an ideal backdrop for healing. The state’s mountainous landscapes, national parks, and open spaces offer students a peaceful environment where they can focus on their personal growth away from the distractions and pressures of their everyday lives.
  4. Long-Standing Tradition: Many of Utah’s therapeutic boarding schools have been in operation for decades, building a track record of success. This long-standing tradition has contributed to the state’s reputation as a reliable and effective place for therapeutic education.

Is Utah Too Far Away?

One of the most common concerns parents have is the distance between their home and the boarding school. Psychologically, the idea of sending a child far away can be daunting. However, there are compelling reasons why distance might actually work in your favor:

  1. Removing the Child from a Toxic Environment: Often, a teen’s environment is an enabling contributor to their struggles. Negative influences, such as peers involved in risky behaviors, bullying behavior at school, or a stressful home situation, can trap teens in a downward spiral they can’t escape from. By sending your child to a boarding school in Utah, you are removing them from these potentially harmful influences, giving them a fresh start in a safe, controlled environment where they can focus on their recovery and growth.
  2. Creating Space for Change: Distance can also create a healthy space between the teen and their usual triggers or stressors. This physical separation allows the child to reflect, grow, and develop new coping mechanisms without the immediate pressures of their former environment. It also gives parents time to work on their own responses to their child’s behavior, making the eventual reunion more successful and harmonious.
  3. Building Independence and Resilience: Attending a boarding school far from home can help your child develop independence and resilience. Being away from home encourages them to take responsibility for their actions, learn new life skills, and build confidence in their ability to handle challenges. These qualities are crucial for their long-term success, both during their time at the school and beyond.
  4. Focusing on Healing Without Distractions: In a therapeutic boarding school setting in Utah, your child will be surrounded by peers who are going through similar experiences, guided by professionals who understand their unique needs. This focused environment allows your child to concentrate on healing and personal growth without the distractions or temptations they might face closer to home.

Why Telos Academy in Utah Is Winning Awards

Telos Academy, a therapeutic boarding school in Utah, has gained a reputation for excellence. Telos has received accreditation from the Joint Commission and NATSAP and received recognition from multiple industry groups for its programs.

Telos Academy emphasizes guiding every student toward their ultimate potential. Students benefit from an environment of shared commitment to helping each student achieve the best outcome they are capable of achieving.

Students benefit from therapeutic intervention, an academic environment suited to their specific needs, and a host of extracurricular activities, including a popular space center. The Telos program consistently receives stellar reviews and high praise from students and their parents.

Learn more about Telos’s award-winning program

Find Out More About Telos Academy

Deciding to send your child to a therapeutic boarding school in Utah is not an easy choice. However, the benefit of enrolling your teen in a program well-suited to them, such as Telos Academy, makes the decision easier. 

We invite parents to learn more about Telos. We offer on-campus and virtual tours so that parents can familiarize themselves with the campus, our staff, and our programs. We believe that having more knowledge about us makes it easier for parents to choose Telos for their child.

Contact Telos today for an admissions evaluation for your son. Our admissions specialists can answer your questions, provide you with additional resources, and discuss next steps for your family.