When parents are weighing the difficult decision to enroll their child in a therapeutic boarding school, one of their biggest concerns is: “Will it work?” It’s an important question. Therapeutic boarding schools involve financial and time commitments, and often serve as a last resort for families dealing with severe behavioral, emotional, or mental health challenges. 

Understanding the effectiveness of therapeutic boarding schools can help alleviate some of the concern parents may have about enrolling their child. Let’s take a look at what these schools do, how they assist families, and what outcomes parents can realistically expect for their children.

What Are Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

Therapeutic boarding schools are specialized residential programs designed to help adolescents who struggle with a range of issues, such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, autism, behavioral problems, and learning disabilities. Unlike traditional boarding schools, these schools integrate intensive therapy and counseling together with education, creating an environment tailored to address the needs of troubled teens and help them to succeed.

The primary goal of a therapeutic boarding school is to provide a structured and supportive environment where students can receive the psychological treatment they need while continuing their education. This dual focus sets therapeutic boarding schools apart from other options. A traditional (non-therapeutic) boarding school focuses solely on academics, while treatment options, such as inpatient psychiatric facilities or outpatient therapy programs focus solely on addressing mental health needs without the education aspect.

Student Success: What Do Therapeutic Boarding Schools Do Well?

Comprehensive Mental Health Treatment

One of the key strengths of therapeutic boarding schools is ready access to high-quality mental health treatment. Schools typically employ a team of licensed mental health professionals such as therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors, who work on individualized treatment plans for each student. Therapy sessions are conducted frequently, allowing students to make significant progress in managing their mental health issues.

The structured environment of a therapeutic boarding school also means that students receive support and monitoring, which is crucial for those with severe emotional or behavioral problems. This level of care can be difficult to achieve in a traditional school setting or even in outpatient therapy.

Academic Support and Achievement

Therapeutic boarding schools also excel at providing academic support. Many students who attend these schools have struggled academically due to their emotional or behavioral issues. They may be a grade or more behind their peers, with deficiencies in numerous areas. Therapeutic boarding schools offer smaller class sizes, more individualized attention, and tailored education plans that are targeted specifically at each student’s individual needs.

Students at therapeutic boarding schools often experience rapid gains in academic improvement, not only because of the specialized educational support, but also because their mental health issues are being addressed simultaneously. When students feel more stable and supported emotionally, they are better able to focus on learning and achieve academic success.

Building Life Skills 

An often overlooked area of improvement for students at therapeutic boarding schools is building life skills and resilience. Teens with emotional and behavioral issues often have not gained critical life skills such as how to manage their time, set goals, establish priorities and develop healthy routines. These skills are essential for their long-term success in life, both during and after their time at the school.

Because of their focus on students with serious needs, therapeutic boarding schools are aware of this deficiency and have programs and activities designed to build and develop these skills in their students. Traditional school settings often overlook these skills entirely, leaving struggling students further and further behind. 

Learn more about the Telos Academy program, a model therapeutic boarding school

What Can Parents Expect?

Emotional and Behavioral Improvement

Parents can expect to see significant improvements in their child’s emotional and behavioral health while attending a therapeutic boarding school. The intensive therapeutic environment, combined with the structure and support provided by the school, provides the ideal environment for struggling teens. Parents should see a reduction in problematic behaviors, improved mood stability, and better coping mechanisms.

Progress can vary from child to child, and success depends on individual factors and a student’s own motivation. Some students may take longer to respond to treatment than others. However, many parents report noticeable positive changes in their child’s behavior, self-esteem, and overall outlook on life.

Academic Progress

In addition to emotional and behavioral improvements, parents can expect their child to make academic progress. With the higher level of support available, students often regain confidence in their abilities and achieve academic milestones they may have previously thought impossible.

A Stronger Family Unit

One of the most valuable outcomes for families is the strengthening of family relationships. The separation involved in the boarding school environment provides time and space for family members and the students themselves to work on repairing lingering relationship damage. With new skills gained in therapy, students are able to process their emotions and emerge with a newfound appreciation for family relationships. This renewed family bond can be a crucial factor in maintaining the child’s progress after they leave the school.

What Are the Limitations?

While therapeutic boarding schools can be highly effective, they are not a guaranteed solution for every child. The success of the program often depends on the child’s willingness to engage in therapy and the severity of their issues. Some children may require additional support, such as long-term outpatient therapy, after completing the program.

It’s also important for parents to have realistic expectations. While many students make significant progress, therapeutic boarding schools are not a quick fix. The road to recovery can be long and requires ongoing effort from both the child and their family.

Should You Consider a Therapeutic Boarding School?

Therapeutic boarding schools offer a unique and effective environment to help troubled adolescents overcome their challenges. Through comprehensive mental health treatment, academic support, and life skills development in a structured environment, these schools are able to achieve progress where other efforts have not. Therapeutic boarding schools have a strong track record of success at working with students with serious behavioral, mental, and emotional challenges.

For parents struggling with a troubled teen, a therapeutic boarding school may offer the most effective solution. If you are considering a therapeutic boarding school for your child, contact Telos today for an enrollment evaluation. Our admissions specialists can answer your questions, provide you with additional resources, and discuss next steps.