Outreach Director, Co-Founder

Tony Hansen

COO, Co-Founder, Clinical Director - Telos U

Tony Mosier

CEO, Co-Founder

Craig LaMont

Clinical Director of Student Living - South Campus

Ian MacGregor

Life Coach - Telos U

Jensen Caldwell

Director of the Telos Discovery Space Center

Nathan King

Medical Director

Dr James Palmer, DO

Lead Life Coach - Telos U

Jennifer Mills

Recreational Therapy Director - Telos U

Craig Sperry

Director of Neuro Health

Justin Levine

Primary Therapist- Telos U

Erin Mason

Life Coach - Telos U

Phillip Stewart

Primary Therapist- Telos U

Wade Taylor

Telos DEI Consultant

Dr. Sonyia Richardson

Human Resources Director

Camie Shepherd, SHRM-CP

Maintenance Facility Director - South Campus

Karlo Brousset

Associate Academic Director - North Campus

Curtis Gardner

HR Compliance & Safety Officer

Hayden Wilson

Director of Nursing

Michael Shomaker

Primary Therapist - Telos U

Emma Black

PE Coach and Consumer Economics Teacher - South Campus

Austin Stevenson

Primary Therapist - Geneva

Laura Easler

Lead Supervisor - Geneva

Josh Sandberg

Lead Supervisor - Geneva

Mitch Carter

Clinical Director - Geneva Center and Vineyard Primary Care and Assessment

Larry Smith

Outreach Director, Co-Founder

Tony Hansen

“Tony teaches us that no one is too important to serve. When I see him watering the plants, mowing the grass, and attending to more menial tasks, I am reminded that Telos is more about service than position.” -staff

Tony is a California native with a big heart. His love for helping young men and their families find unity as they work toward achieving their potential, began years earlier in the struggles, relationships, and mentorship Tony experienced in his youth. This desire to serve led Tony to the world of mental health services, studying at Brigham Young University. He went on to get a Master’s Degree at the University of Utah in Educational Psychology. After five years as a therapist in both wilderness and residential settings, Tony recognized a need for a school founded on relationships and individualized treatment. From this, Telos was born. This passion to help Telos continuously improve while keeping it focused on the founding principles has served Tony, Telos, and countless families over the last 15 years.

Education:Masters, Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC, M.Ed)

Passion:Healthy living, nature and positive lifestyle

COO, Co-Founder, Clinical Director - Telos U

Tony Mosier

“Tony has the unique ability to see past surface complexities to the heart of an issue. With professionalism, kindness, expertise, and great wisdom he approaches all aspects of his work at Telos. He saved my son’s life, and the organization he helps lead has saved hundreds of others.” -parent

Tony loves working with youth. By helping them reach their personal best, he reaches his. Achieving his undergraduate at Brigham Young University and a Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Utah State University Tony immediately felt he had something to give back. Telos became a reality in 2004 because of Tony’s (and partners) vision to build a program that would be a place that heals and re-builds families by offering a clinically-advanced approach to solving mental health needs. Tony has invested his entire career of 20 years working with youth and young adults of all ages and needs. In addition, Tony oversees the operations on all campuses and all services Telos offers. This is no small task, as the program demands individualized treatment. As a practicing therapist he has built and continues to build a therapeutic rigor that is second-to-none.

When not with his students he can be found developing system programming, overseeing quality improvement, or building innovative solutions. In addition Tony has accepted the nomination to serve as the NATSAP President (National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs) for the next 2 years.

Education:BYU Undergraduate, USU Masters Graduate

Passion:Helping youth and young adults

Affiliations:President of NATSAP

CEO, Co-Founder

Craig LaMont

“At the last Family Days triathlon my son was the last racer out of the water. I was standing on the dock and could see him slowly swimming in. As he got closer I could see someone swimming alongside him. To my surprise, Craig LaMont was in the water with Dan encouraging and coaching him along. It struck me–this is an amazing place filled with amazing people. The CEO of the company is in a wetsuit, in a lake, personally attending to my boy. Nowhere but Telos.” -parent

Craig is passionate about life. He shares that passion with his family, friends, students and staff. Often Craig is heard in the halls of Telos humming a tune and at times singing out for all to hear.  Craig loves Telos. As a co-founder, there is nothing he won’t do to help make a student’s stay the very best experience possible. In addition his full-throttle approach to life also includes other interests like coaching youth athletics, board service, church service, community service, and outdoor sports.  Craig has founded, owned and operated a number of residential treatment centers and is known in the industry as a premier authority in consulting circles. Craig is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has worked in and studied the mental health practices since 1990. Graduate degree is a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy at Brigham Young University.  Craig is passionate about serving teens and families and has dedicated his professional and volunteer time to that end.

Education:Masters, Marriage and Family Therapy

Passion:A dedicated passion to build a premium option for youth that really works

Clinical Director of Student Living - South Campus

Ian MacGregor

“My son has been working with different therapists for as long as I can remember. You’re the first one I have seen him bond with and actually look forward to coming to sessions with!” -Parent

Ian was born and raised in Central Pennsylvania where he learned to love adventure, the outdoors, playing sports, riding bikes, swimming, hiking, camping, and skiing. He has continued to work, study and travel, sometimes all at the same time. From the east coast to Mexico, Ian has enjoyed the beauty of the outdoors while working in the Mental Health field. He received his Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lock Haven University. An advocate for diversity, Ian values cultural competence in his therapeutic work.  He uses a strengths-based approach to help young people unlock hidden abilities, enabling them to find deeper happiness in life.

Education:Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Lock Haven University 

Credentials:CMHC, NCC

Modalities:Client-Centered Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Multicultural Counseling, Strengths-Based Approaches

Life Coach - Telos U

Jensen Caldwell

“Jensen is always willing to do what he can to help those around him thrive and find success” – Coworker

Jensen is an amazing life coach. He really knows how to listen to those that he works with and loves being an advocate for them. He finds joy in helping and watching others set and achieve their personal goals. He isn’t afraid to challenge his students as he knows that they can raise to the occasion. 

Education:Bachelors - Psychology, Utah Valley University

Director of the Telos Discovery Space Center

Nathan King

“Thanks for letting me feel safe enough to mess up in your class.” –  Student

Nathan is a veteran of the space center industry. He has over ten years of experience of teaching and coaching others how to use the software. He knows how to fine tune each mission to help the participates learn and grow because of it. When he isn’t working, you can find him spending time with his foster kiddos.

Education:Utah Valley University

Medical Director

Dr James Palmer, DO

“My son came to Telos having tried nearly every therapy and medication known to man. We had tried so many interventions, the waters were muddied as to what was effective and what wasn’t. Dr. Palmer took a careful and conservative approach to understanding my son’s psychiatric needs. He worked closely with the other professionals at Telos to simplify and streamline the medicines until we had a clear picture of what was needed.” – parent

Dr James Palmer brings a substantial background in mental health for teens and young adults that Telos thrives on. His passion for helping kids is evident in his attention to detail and outcomes.  Each student brings a unique blend of hopes, fears and needs and Dr Palmer spends the needed time with each student to help stabilize and support each need.The Telos vision asserts that “diagnostic precision” is a key objective in each student’s treatment. Dr. Palmer takes a conservative stance regarding diagnoses and patiently works toward a deep and comprehensive understanding of what each student is dealing with.

Education:Medical School - Des Moines University, DO / General Psychiatry Residency - Maricopa Integrated Health System / Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship - Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School

Passion:Clinical excellence, diagnostic precision and understanding each student’s needs

Certifications:American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Certified

Lead Life Coach - Telos U

Jennifer Mills

“Jennifer is awesome. That is really all that needs to be said but I will say more. She is always happy and is amazing with her students. She has so much patience and is willing to do whatever she needs to help her students. Thanks Jennifer for everything that you do!” – Co-Worker

Jennifer has been working in the mental health field for the better part of 8 years and has experience working with individuals who have been diagnosed with various mental illnesses. Working in this field has helped her to develop not only a compassion for those who may struggle, but also a love for all people, and a desire to help them reach their fullest potential. Outside of work, Jennifer loves to sing, travel, meet new people and experience new cultures. Her singing has brought her to perform all over Utah as well as parts of Japan.

Education:Brigham Young University, Bachelor's Degree in Family Life Sciences: Human Development

Recreational Therapy Director - Telos U

Craig Sperry

“Craig is simply amazing. He goes above and beyond to get to know and help all of the students that he works with.”  – Co-Worker

Craig has worked in the field of mental health in many compacities. He was worked in wilderness therapy, and is a seasoned vet at Telos by working in many different roles. Craig’s goal is to help Telos students to build a solid foundation in healthy living and leisure to help them to succeed. He loves teaching students how to do new things and watching them go from doubting and uncertainty to having that light bulb turn on and watching them learn and love what they are doing. He loves all things outdoors and that is usually where you can find him.

Education:University of Utah - BS in Recreational Therapy

Director of Neuro Health

Justin Levine

“Justin’s smile and positivity is infectious. Plus, as a former Telos student and success story, he is a role model and inspiration for all who walk through our doors”. – Co-Worker

As a former Telos student, Justin knows the ins and outs of the Telos program from both sides. His invaluable experience has allowed him to connect and inspire students and parents on a deeper level. He knows that through hard work and dedication, goals can be achieved and change can happen. Justin was an All-American runner in college and continues that passion by helping students find modes of exercise that they enjoy and helps them to see the benefits from it. As the Director of Neuro Health, Justin also knows the benefit of understanding the benefit of PrTMS. He works tirelessly to help educate and provide the best PrTMS treatment for others.

Education:BA Neuroscience Bates College

Expertise:Undergraduate Full-Year Neuroscience Research Thesis on Neurofitness, titled, “Cardiovascular fitness effect on affective and cognitive functioning through differing daily exercise regimens”

Primary Therapist- Telos U

Erin Mason

“My child feels comfortable around you and can fully be themselves. That doesn’t happen very often.”– Parent

Erin brings expertise in autism spectrum disorder treatment to Telos U.  Her superpower is to build connections and put students at ease quickly. In speaking of the change process, Erin says, “My end goal is to empower the students. I want them to have opportunities to prove they can do hard things.”  A happy personality is Erin’s default.  She finds humor in the simple things and believes in having fun along the way.

“I want students to feel they can be successful in their lives. Sometimes the ‘how’ in making that happen gets confusing, lost, or out of reach. These challenges don’t mean success can’t be achieved; we must find what works for them. Discovering these ways together as a team is what drives me. “

Education:Utah Valley University, University of Utah. Bachelor of Behavioral Science, Psychology - Master of Social Work

Modalities:CBT, ACT, Family Systems

Life Coach - Telos U

Phillip Stewart

“I wish we could take you home with our child” – Parent

Phillip is passionate about preparing the up and coming generation to be ready to take on the world. He has worked in the mental health industry for 2 years and has grown to love seeing the change and potential in everyone. Outside of work he loves rock climbing, volleyball, and mentoring the youth in these sports.

Education:Utah Valley University, Bachelors in Applied Communication

Primary Therapist- Telos U

Wade Taylor

Our son has never opened up and worked with us the way he has in our sessions with Wade. He has given us hope we can have a happy home life together” – Parent

Wade comes to Telos with a long history of helping youth and families.  A devoted healing professional, he has worked in the residential treatment profession for over 20 years. Wade is uniquely qualified to work with teens and young adults who struggle with processing issues and complex clinical profiles. His kind and focused attention gives students an opportunity to share, be heard, and learn, so they can progress and effectively advocate for themselves. Having worked with hundreds of students over the years, he is keenly aware of the need to look at each student holistically–understanding the impact of brain chemistry, brain wiring, learned behaviors, trauma, addictions, identity, and personality. When asked what is the most rewarding part of his job, Wade says, “seeing clients go from hopeless and disconnected from their support system to connected and full of hope.”

Education:Master of Science, Utah State University, Family and Human Development


Modalities:CBT, DBT, Solution-focused, EMDR, TF-CBT, EFT, Motivational Interviewing

Telos DEI Consultant

Dr. Sonyia Richardson

“Dr. Richardson has helped us have eyes to see our organization through the lens of equity. She has made a good program better.”


Dr. Richardson is Founder and Director of the Mental Health Research and Practice Lab which is housed in the Urban Education Collaborative in the College of Education. This research lab partners with community leaders, thought leaders, and researchers across the country to develop cutting-edge innovative solutions for addressing mental health disparities and mental health needs for diverse populations. Additionally, Dr. Richardson was appointed as Interim Director of the Race and Social Equity Academy (RASE). This academy fosters the scholarship of practice and research focused on advancing racial and social parities within the community. Along with empirical scholarship, race dialogue will be supported through intellectual discourse, bringing together thought leaders in our community representing a variety of perspectives on race and social equity matters.

Recently, Dr. Richardson was appointed by Governor Roy Cooper to serve on the Andrea Harris Social, Economic, Environmental, and Health Equity Task Force. In this role serves on the Education Subcommittee and offers recommendations to the Governor’s Office for addressing needs of diverse residents and communities in the state. She previously served a three-year term with the National Institutes of Mental Health, Adult Mental Health Interventions Subcommittee as a Public Reviewer. In addition to teaching, Dr. Richardson is the Owner of Another Level Counseling and Consultation located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Dr. Richardson currently serves as a Delegate for the National Association of Social Workers North Carolina Chapter and was appointed by the National President to the Private Practice Specialty Subcommittee to provide expertise and guidance to private practitioners nationally.

Education: PhD, MSW, LCSW. Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She possesses a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Urban Education specialization at UNC Charlotte, a Master's degree in Social Work (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill), a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (University of North Carolina Charlotte).

Human Resources Director

Camie Shepherd, SHRM-CP

“Camie is dependable, has amazing leadership skills, work ethic, all while having an enthusiastic attitude while doing it.” -staff

Camie started at Telos as a PrTMS technician in 2019 as part of the Neuro Health team. She moved to the administrative assistant role at Telos U and worked in that role for a little over a year before joining the HR team. Camie is a true people person and loves helping those around her. She is organized and a systems thinker who is always seeking to improve the workplace. Camie’s hobbies include camping, riding four-wheelers, scrapbooking, and quilting.

Passion:Driven for business excellence and compliance for best family experience

Maintenance Facility Director - South Campus

Karlo Brousset

“Karlo is always on top of everything and does it with a happy attitude” – Co-Worker

Karlo has years of experience with upkeeping and fixing things. Known for his hands-on approach and effective leadership, he ensures that all systems and processes run smoothly, focusing on efficiency, safety, and continuous improvement. Karlo’s dedication to maintaining high standards makes him a valuable asset to providing a safe and clean environment for our students.

Associate Academic Director - North Campus

Curtis Gardner

“Curtis has spent countless effort and time in helping our son apply for college. In the end, we were delighted when our son got his acceptance letter to the Berklee School of Music! Curtis was excellent at working with our son, and helping him accomplish this important life goal!” -Parent

Student school schedules and graduation requirements are what keeps Curtis focused. He is an ardent believer in succeeding in school and paves a runway for Telos U students still finishing high school. The senior year can be tricky with many students having schooled in several locations and academies so Curtis and his staff stay vigilant. His passion for student success is evident in his zeal to help them succeed. They work behind the scenes so parents and students enjoy a normalized school experience like prom, yearbook and other traditional school activities in addition to classes.

Education:A.A. in Psychology - Eastern Arizona College, B.S. in Social Studies Education - Brigham Young University, M.Ed. in Psychology - Utah State University

Expertise:Passionate about students succeeding in school

HR Compliance & Safety Officer

Hayden Wilson

“Hayden is an example of someone who lives the mission of Telos. He is always going above and beyond to help make the students and his co-workers’ lives easier. He is a great eye for systems and helps everyone to work smarter rather than harder.” – Staff

Hayden has been with Telos for a few years now. He has been in several positions during his time here at Telos. He has been an EF coach, and the EF Coordinator. Hayden has now moved into being the compliance and safety specialist and is looking forward to helping employees and Telos as a whole run more efficiently.

Education:BYU-Idaho, Exercise Physiology

Director of Nursing

Michael Shomaker

“Thank you so much for all of the kindness you’ve shown to our son and family.  We will miss you.  You are what makes Telos special.  Thank you for everything!” -parent

The nursing team has one goal, to keep track of all the boys, make sure they are healthy, meds on time, sunscreen and safety first!  Whew, you might say they “think like moms.” In Michael’s case, he thinks like a mom, dad, medical practitioner, and mental health advocate rolled into one.  Prior to Telos Michael spent 15 years as a pediatric psychiatric nurse for the State of Utah.  He has also been a professional chef and understands that “food is medicine.”  Michael is at his best with those who are struggling with their worst.  Unendingly patient, he takes pride in running an organized department that assures safety while contributing to the heartfelt nurturance of the program.


Passion:Watching people I care for make good choices

Primary Therapist - Telos U

Emma Black

“Emma’s talent is simply making me feel loved.” – Student


Emma completed her graduate internship with Family Services in Salt Lake City. Her mentor was an ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) guru who taught her how to become proficient in helping clients using ACT interventions. Emma has worked with all ages doing individual therapy as well as couple’s counseling. Her main focus is first building a therapeutic alliance prior to pushing for change. This not only contributes greatly to her satisfaction as a social worker but helps clients feel they have a safe space to heal through past and current psychological struggles. When not therapizing, Emma can be found playing with nieces and nephews or riding her Honda Fury… that is until she buys her own street bike.

Clinical Expertise:Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing


Education:Masters in Social Work, Utah Valley University

Certifications & Expertise :EMDR, IFS, ACT, DBT, Family Systems, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Low Processing

PE Coach and Consumer Economics Teacher - South Campus

Austin Stevenson

“Austin is the most astoundingly positive person I know. He always has a smile on his face..” -student

I have had the privilege to work with the fantastic students at Telos for the past five years. Working in both residential and Academic departments at Telos, I have gained helpful perspectives on our student’s lives and how we can contribute to their overall well-being. My experience at Telos has helped me make meaningful relationships with our wide range of students, allowing for an even greater depth of healing and connection. I also am passionate about those who feel like an “underdog.” Telos has been a great platform to allow me to help those students succeed. During my time outside of work, I can be found coaching high school varsity football/other athletics, outdoor recreation, and surrounding myself with good company.

Education:Bachelors in Psychology, Minor Degree in Community Health, and Associates Teaching License from Utah Board of Education: Utah Valley University

Primary Therapist - Geneva

Laura Easler

“Laura is simply put amazing. She has the amazing ability to connect with everyone around her and be at peace even though chaos is going on around her. She helps everyone around her to become better” – Co-Worker

Laura has been in the field since 2015. From that time she has utilized her degree working in foster care, skilled nursing facilities, medical hospitals, hospice, psychiatric hospitals, and most recently as a psychiatric emergency response team clinician working in conjunction with the San Diego Police Department. She has mainly implemented therapeutic modalities of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Outside of work, She enjoys spending time with her friends and family. She loves hiking, watching crime shows, playing games, going to the gym, and reading books.

Education:Bachelors in Social Work - University of Phoenix, Masters in Social Work - University of South Carolina


Certifications:7 Challenges Certified

Lead Supervisor - Geneva

Josh Sandberg

“Josh is amazing at connecting with others and helping them to find their best selves ” – Co-Worker

Josh is deeply passionate about making a positive impact on the world by helping others grow and improve. At Telos, he is dedicated to guiding students toward reaching their full potential, always maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, regardless of the circumstances. Outside of work, Josh enjoys camping, staying active with sports, and savoring delicious food.

Lead Supervisor - Geneva

Mitch Carter

“His experience and expertise shine through in his ability to hold firm boundaries with our boys and go through difficult situations with them, while maintaining good rapport. Our students and the rest of the residential team appreciate his dependability, stability, and the care that he puts into his work. ” – Co-Worker

Mitchell is an avid reader and fitness enthusiast with a distinguished 13-year career in the Air Force. After retiring from the military, he sought a new path to give back and find personal fulfillment. Driven by a passion for helping others, Mitchell is dedicated to supporting teenagers and young adults, using his experience and commitment to make a positive impact in their lives.

Clinical Director - Geneva Center and Vineyard Primary Care and Assessment

Larry Smith

“Larry Smith is caring, thoughtful and creative. He has made a huge impact on Ryan. Beyond our son, the entire family has grown from Larry’s willingness to offer a tremendous amount of time with each member. He is consistent and steadfast in his values. Ryan sees this and has started to adopt those same principles of happiness into his own life. We are deeply indebted to Larry.” -parent

Larry is described by many as the “Dad of Telos.” This honorary title fits well because years ago as a volunteer leader and counselor, Larry worked with youth and families for decades to strengthen relationships, improve communications, and overcome problems like depression, anxiety, substance use and addiction. These skills and wisdom are invaluable, even “dad like” for our students today. Larry has a strong desire to help kids succeed at life’s challenges and through Telos achieve their ultimate potential.

Education:CMHC, NCC, CCI


Passion:100% Committed to helping teens and young adults succeed

Certifications:7 Challenges Certified