Therapeutic boarding schools (TBS) are designed for students dealing with psychological, emotional, and developmental learning issues. They provide a safe environment 24/7, allowing students to receive the education and care they need, including psychological counseling, healing activities, regular health care and other treatments based on the individual. If you have an at-risk teen trying to cope with behavioral, emotional, or learning issues, an assessment at a TBS can determine if your child is a good candidate.

What are Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

Therapeutic boarding schools provide the perfect balance between academics and behavioral/psychological therapies. At the heart of these programs is the desire to provide a more structured setting while creating more flexible education plans based on the approach your child is most likely to respond to in a positive way. TBSs also provide reduced student/teacher ratios ensuring no one ever “falls through the cracks.” These annual programs reduce disruptions to both a student’s education and treatment to see the best possible results.

What Type of Staff are at Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

Therapeutic boarding schools are staffed by highly experienced educators and counselors, who work collaboratively with therapists. Students at therapeutic boarding schools tend to have less complex mental health issues but still require the type of specialized assistance that helps guide their academic achievements. While educational plans are flexible, the assistance of ongoing counseling and therapy helps provide the level of structure students need to keep them on track.

What Types of Students Benefit from Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

Students who benefit from therapeutic boarding school might include those with the following:

  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
    Learning disabilities
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Substance abuse disorder

What are Typical Behaviors That Lead to Enrollment in TBS?

Behaviors that lead to TBS enrollment for teens might include:

  • Technology addictions that interfere with academic performance and socialization
  • Anger issues, including defiance, rage, or explosive aggression
  • Violence
  • Failing academic performance despite the ability to achieve passing grades
  • Refusing to attend school and ongoing class skipping
  • Rebellious out of control behavior that disrupts home life
  • Uncontrolled substance use
  • Criminal activity, such as stealing

When your teen displays any of the above behavior or lives with similar challenges, an assessment at a therapeutic boarding school can help.

How To Pick a Therapeutic Boarding School

A TBS should have dedicated staff providing proven teaching methods and clinical therapies, ensuring students experience lasting change. Based on principles that create strong individuals who can make insightful choices, the culture should include an “arm around the shoulder” approach. Building respectful relationships with non-judgmental support and caring mentors also contributes to change.

Along with individualized academic plans, a TBS should offer access to the following types of programs:

Fitness: Participating in physical activity helps students reduce stress, lose weight in a healthy way, improve their physical health, and learn resilience while building friendships.

Nature: Being surrounded by nature helps create more focus and removes the technology that is often the center of a student’s life. It also helps teach self-awareness and remove distractions that interfere with the healing process.

Social activities: Social activities allow teens to connect with peers in positive relationships and friendships that contribute to their well-being. It also teaches students the difference between positive and destructive relationships that might have contributed to their emotional and behavioral challenges.

What Therapy and Care is Available at Therapeutic Boarding Schools?

There are a wide range of clinical and diagnostic services available while your teen is enrolled at a TBS. A team of medical and psychological professionals provide ongoing observation to identify signs of relapse and struggle. A combination of individual, group, and one on one interventions from specialists ensures your teen receives the specific type of treatment they require. The collaboration between academic and therapeutic expertise is seamless, fostering a nurturing environment where students feel heard, trusted, respected, and safe.

What are the Advantages of Therapeutic Boarding Schools (TBS)?

A TBS offers the following advantages:

  • A focus on academics with flexible education plans
  • Structured environment to build healthy behavior and habits
  • Building life skills for long-term success
  • Balance of care, learning and activities to promote well-being
  • Holistic environment to nurture self-discovery
  • Uninterrupted treatment to see real change

When is TBS Not Recommended?

TBS is not suited to students who require a more intense form of support and treatment suffering from more complex emotional and mental health conditions.

If your teenager needs the structured care and support of a therapeutic boarding school, request more information on our program, click here.